Art of ASMR – Tips for Artists

Who are these tips for?

These tips are mostly for Video/Audio ASMR artists but may also be helpful to other ASMR artists.

If you are looking for tips specific to triggering person-to-person ASMR, feel free to read this summary about the book, “Brain Tingles” – a How-To guide for stimulating ASMR for families, friends, partners, spas, health studios, counselors, therapists, researchers, clinicians, and ASMR video or ASMR podcast creators.

The style and craft of Video/Audio ASMR artists

The style of these artists includes the way they talk, whisper, move their hands, create sounds, gaze with their eyes and more.

The craft of these artists includes the tools they use to capture and share ASMR triggers; the microphones, the video cameras, the editing software, and more.

Creating ASMR triggers is a true art that involves a complex mix of natural ability, developed skills, personal techniques, and appropriate equipment.

There is no single secret, but there are many helpful things you can do to create and record better triggers.

Tips for video/audio ASMR artists 

Below are some tips based on my ASMR experiences, my recording experiences and my biological theory of what causes ASMR (read the “Origin Theory of ASMR” for a full explanation).

Tips on variety of content

Don’t plan on creating content that will give everyone ASMR.

ASMR triggers are sorta like favorite foods.  Some food items are pleasing to many people, some food items are pleasing to just a few, and no food items are loved by every single person.

Tips on using your voice

The aspects of your voice which can influence the stimulation of ASMR are speed, volume, tone, and emotion.  These aspects can convey that you can be trusted which results in the other person feeling relaxed.

Basically, you want your voice to be the opposite of angry.  Angry voices put others on alert, and this is the flip side of being relaxed.

The emotion of an angry voice is aggressive and negative.  Keep your voice gentle and positive.

The tone of an angry voice is threatening.  Keep the tone of your voice caring, sympathetic, and/or empathic.

The volume of an angry voice is usually loud, but not always.  As anger increases so does volume, with the angriest voices usually being the loudest.  This may explain why the quietest voices, whispers, may be the most associated with ASMR.  But it also may explain why soft voices and normal volume voices can also trigger ASMR – because the alert response is mostly triggered by high volumes and not usually triggered by low or normal volume sounds.

The speed of an angry voice can be slow, normal, or fast.  A specific vocal speed does not therefore seem to be inherent to stimulating an alert response.  This explains why ASMR can be stimulated by voices with different speeds.  Some artists talk slowly, which conveys a calm disposition that may be relaxing to the listener when coupled with the correct emotion, tone, and volume.  And some artists talk quickly, which conveys enthusiasm or expertise that may be relaxing to the listener when coupled with the correct emotion, tone, and volume.

In summary, the emotion and tone which stimulate ASMR have the strictest criteria.  The volume can be low or normal.  And speed may have the greatest flexibility.

Ever wonder if whispering is bad for your throat or vocal cords?  Here is the best answer I could put together.

Tips on creating sounds

Sounds fall into two categories: natural and methodical.

Natural sounds imitate the natural vagaries of real sounds; these sounds should be random, unsteady, complex, and/or layered in a way that best simulates a real haircut, the actual sounds of opening a package, or other re-enactments of scenarios that commonly trigger ASMR.

Methodical sounds get their soothing ability from their predictability.  These sounds should be steady, slow and non-layered.  A slow and steady tapping or crinkling sound can be very effective at relaxing someone’s mind.

Similar to voices, sounds should not be too loud or abrupt – that is a strong trigger for an alert response.

Tips on recording soft voices and soft sounds

The challenge when recording a whisper or a soft voice is getting a good ‘signal-to-noise’ ratio.

The softer the voice or sound you are recording, the more likely the listener will hear background noises, ambient noise, and internal equipment noise.  The challenge is to get your soft voice, whisper voice, or quiet sound (signal) to be significantly above the other sounds you don’t want (noise).

Here are some ways to get a better signal to noise ratio:

  • Move your mouth closer to the microphone (make sure to add a pop filter or foam wind screen).
  • Direct your voice or sound directly towards the diaphragm of the microphone (again, a pop filter or foam wind screen is critical).
  • Increase the sensitivity of your microphone, often referred to as “gain”.  But this will also result in you picking up more background noises, so be aware of any sounds within 20 yards – even if they are behind a wall, on another floor, or outside.
  • Watch out for nearby noise sources: computer fans, heating or air conditioning ducts, or any electronic or mechanical device.
  • If background noises continue to plague you, switch from a condenser mic (very sensitive) to a dynamic mic (less sensitive).
  • Be aware of source #1 for internal noise: the microphone.  Purchase a microphone that has low internal noise.
  • Be aware of source #2 for internal noise: the preamp, which boosts your signal but also boosts your noise.  The preamp may be built-in to a portable recorder, or be external as part of a mixer.  The internal noise produced by preamps can vary greatly, you want one that is good at boosting your signal without boosting the noise as much.

Click the following links for more information about recording ASMR triggers:

***More Helpful Tips***

5 Tips for New ASMR Artists (from AndreaWhisperingASMR)

1. Don’t set high expectations for your channel, do what you love and the rest will follow.

2. Think out of the box, ASMR has so much potential and so many new things can be done with it.

3. Talk with your audience! They will be your main supporters whatever happens and the main motivators that will make you love doing ASMR.

4. Not having professional equipment won’t be a problem in order to start. Lo-fi ASMR is one of the best ASMR in my opinion.

5. ENJOY IT and if your channel grows big don’t let pressure get to you.

7 Tips to Record ASMR Videos by Steven Smith (founder of

1. Good Quality Microphone (Most Important)

Buying a quality ASMR microphone is crucial for your ASMR videos. Gone are the days when you could get away with a sub-par microphone. The competition in the ASMR niche on YouTube is growing rapidly nowadays, and you can get a competitive advantage by having a superior ASMR microphone and a better video script.

Most people watch ASMR to sleep better. Hence, you can do without having the most expensive camera, but you got to have a high-quality ASMR microphone!

2. Decent Camera for Clear Visuals

To record your ASMR videos, you can use your smartphone camera if you have the flagship phone from Samsung or Apple. Other than that, it is better to have a proper camera like Panasonic Lumix GX85 or Sony Alpha a6000 etc.

3. Breathe Away from the Mic

When recording the ASMR trigger sounds, try to breathe away from the mic to reduce the noise in your recording. Sibilance and plosives can prove to be the biggest hurdle while recording. Learn to talk a bit off-axis from the microphone and use a pop-filter to reduce these noises further.

4. Recording Videos Late Night

Depending on your place of living, there could be too many distractions and background noise in the daytime. The sounds from cars, TV, or someone knocking at the door in the middle of the recording can be really frustrating, as it may break your flow.

Thus, most of the ASMRtists record their videos late at night to get rid of unwanted sounds like these.

5. Script Rehearsal Before Recording

If you are into role-play ASMR, then having a good script is a crucial part, and to perform it to perfection is important too.

Hence, before starting recording the video, run the script through your mind and think of the actions or triggers that you would be doing at certain times during the video.

6. Use of Good Editing/Recording Softwares

Try learning video and audio editing software from the start as it will prove to be really beneficial for you in the future. Try using Audacity for audio editing and Adobe Premiere Pro for video editing.

7. Don’t try too hard

Start by doing what you love. Cover those ASMR triggers in your videos which you love the most, or which gives you ASMR.

After covering the basic triggers, then allow yourself to experiment with other triggers.  You will see that eventually, you are getting better and better at it.

Try to be consistent in making ASMR videos and make a suitable timetable for yourself. This will not only help you get better at it but will also prove useful to gather more audience in the longer run.

10 Tips for new ASMR artists by Nicola Passey (Be Brave Be You ASMR):

  • Tip 1: Be consistent. Upload regularly & provide an upload schedule.
  • Tip 2: Good thumbnails; clear, catchy, uncluttered, attractive & minimal writing.
  • Tip 3: Good titles; to the point, clear, easy to read & understand.
  • Tip 4: Interact with your subscribers; show them how much they mean to you & ask them for feedback etc.
  • Tip 5: Find your niche; know what you & your channel/brand are about.
  • Tip 6: Be confident in yourself & your content.
  • Tip 7: Don’t promote yourself on other artists’ channels & videos.
  • Tip 8: Interact with the ASMR community including other artists but because you want to be a part of it, not for personal gain.
  • Tip 9: Get good equipment especially a good mic to start with, a Blue Yeti is a good starting point.
  • Tip 10: Be Brave Be You

3 Tips for young ASMR artists by 7-year old Zoey (Best Day Ever ASMR):

1. Just have fun with it

2. Learn as much as you can about ASMR by watching a lot of different kinds of videos you find interesting

3. Preparing for a video and having everything planned out makes it so much easier and fun

3 Tips for parents of young ASMR artists by Penny (mother of 7-year old Zoey):

1. Support & be passionate with your child in what they want to do and be aware of keeping them safe online.

2. Teach them about the process and what is working for them. There’s so many great lessons to learn during this process. YouTube analytics has great math skills to learn. Editing videos and creating thumbnails are both a science and an art, and is a fun process to enjoy and be creative.

3. Kids want to have fun. Many times more than half the time that Zoey films, she has fun making jokes and being Silly. It’s part of the process. Sometimes, more than half the recorded video time, is Zoey having so much fun and enjoying herself.

10 Tips For New ASMR Artists by Deni ASMRCz:

“1) Create non-original content.

To find at least a small audience it is better to make videos on topics that somebody else has already created. It is good to find some really popular ones. For instance cranial nerve exam, doctor role-play, etc.

If you make original videos when you start your channel then less people might find it and your effort could be little bit wasted. Also, as you make more videos you gain more experience so sometime in the future you could regret wasting your super amazing idea without having any experience in editing, or knowing what your audience likes, or knowing what you’re good at, etc.

2) Start with using what you have – you don’t have to buy super good equipment

It is not a rule that only good quality videos get attention. If you have a working microphone on your headphones then go ahead and use it – as long you like the sound of course. If you are thinking of buying a new mic then you don’t have to buy the most expensive one. Just find one which sounds good to you or simply use what you have.

There are tonnes of artists who didn’t buy an expensive microphone and have lots of subscribers. What is more important is the camera. You don’t want to have an orange pixelated face during a role-play or when you are focusing on an object you are tapping on.

3) Focus on details

That is very important. Many ASMR artists just grab an object and tap on it. Finding new sounds is much more effective. It looks natural and people like to watch others play with items so you even add another ASMR trigger to your video. Sometimes you might also find a new, pleasant sound of that item as well.

4) Be slow and gentle

Some people like it slow, some fast. However, this is ASMR, not a race. You can make things such as fast tapping. But you definitely shouldn’t be too fast, loud and careless in all your videos. Unless you want that to be your image.

5) Don’t try to think of a topic, just watch the world

This is something new and established ASMR artists should do. We all sometimes feel like we have no creativity, no imagination. Generally those issues are only made stronger when we push ourselves to come up with an idea. I recommend not to order yourself to have an idea right now.

What works really well for ASMR is using situations from real life for your ASMR topics.  For example, it’s good when you are sitting in a waiting room of your doctor and there are kids playing with toys and then ‘BOOM’, an ASMR idea is born. It is usually much more effective, creative and even real when you first experience the situation and then you put it into a video.

When you sit behind your table with paper and pen you might forget many aspect of the situation you want to picture in your video. After a real experience you won’t forget anything and you can even make it more believable. Plus the best and most original ideas usually come unexpectedly – so always keep your ASMR ideas diary nearby!

6) Be interactive

The thing you should consider is how deeply you want to be dedicated to your channel. Note that many people search for ASMR videos to find relief from mental issues such as insomnia, anxieties or they just might feel lonely so they watch your personal attention videos.

It is good to stay in touch with them and have a close relationship with them. I don’t mean to write all of them every day, but rather reply to all comments and messages as long as it’s possible.  This is something your audience will appreciate a lot – they will not only like your videos but they will also like your personality.

7) Be proud of your decision

ASMR is very sensitive topic in society. You should think twice if you really want to make ASMR videos. It’s not good if you do it secretly or feel embarrassed about it. Also when someone posts rude or humiliating comment on your video,  please, be strong.

You help so many people you should rather be proud of what you’ve decided to do. Some people who watch your channel can’t sleep without your videos at all. At some point it’s not only about you making videos but also about the people who find you incredibly helpful. So there is kind of a big responsibility.

8) Do what you’re ready for

Different people, different tastes. You’ll receive a lot of requests for ASMR videos weekly. Some of them may sound really weird. Never do anything you don’t feel comfortable about. There are many trolls who think that making ASMR content equals making anything they tell you to make.

Be yourself do what you’re ready for. If you feel unprepared for showing your face, making role-plays or certain topics, then take you’re time. If you push yourself to do it, people will see it and there will be no ASMR effect at all.

9) Do it with somebody

If you’re not sure that you have enough time for an ASMR channel or if you’re a little bit insecure in front of camera, then there is no better decision than creating a channel with somebody. Watching people interact is an amazing ASMR trigger.

When you make a video with your friend, family member, or whoever,  even you can enjoy ASMR. The issue is that your audience may separate into two parts – each part may prefer one of you. However it only depends on your approach if it influences your relationship. It is also very important to do what YOU like. I mean – you are the protagonist here, right? 🙂

10) Make videos at night

Last but definitely not least, it’s exhausting and sometimes you have to have a powerful will but it’s worth it. The only thing that is worse than hundreds of cuts in your video is when you are try to make videos and there are dogs barking, cars passing by, people swearing and people making loud noises.  That can be very frustrating.”

Advice & Tips from ASMR Muzz:

“Find a niche and put your own personality into the video. ASMR is a very personal thing and if the viewer can connect with your personality and attitude as well as the triggers you create, then they will come back for more.

Being able to see your eyes and connect on that level is important too.”

Advice & Tips from Ms Candy Blog ASMR:

“Do what feels right to you and your audience will find you.”

Advice & Tips from Holly ASMR:

“Its amazing how much the ASMR community is growing, even now I’m seeing new ASMRtists popping up all over the place. My advice would be to make sure you understand what ASMR is all about before you start creating content for it.

I saw a new ASMR channel recently where she was whispering but mentioned in the description of her video that she didn’t really feel comfortable whispering. This instantly put me off and made me question why she was making ASMR at all if she didn’t like to whisper?

If you are not relaxed or happy with the content you’ve put out, then your viewers will see through this. If you’re relaxed, then your subscribers will be. My advice is don’t create a channel just because you feel its a growing trend, if you aren’t going to stay in it for the long run, or don’t feel ASMR resonates with you deep down. If you feel a connection with ASMR, then give it a go, you’ll be surprised at how creative you can become!

For those who are passionate about ASMR and feel it has helped them, try to experiment with different trigger sounds in your own free time, and only make videos that you feel comfortable making. Be unique, put your own individual spin on it and know that confidence comes in time!”

Advice & Tips from theASMRnerd:

“Don’t worry about having a fancy microphone or camera, just make a video with whatever you have and get it out there! If after a while you find you enjoy making ASMR videos and would like to upgrade, consider investing in a versatile but reasonably-priced microphone like the Zoom H1.

Don’t be afraid to try new things in your videos that the popular channels aren’t doing. The internet is unimaginably huge, and there’s an audience for just about anything.

Resist the urge to rush things in your videos; enjoy taking your time, savor the process.

Keep your uploads consistent, and interact with your viewers as much as possible. Make them feel special!

Try not to feel discouraged if you don’t get tons of views and subscribers right away. Building a viewership takes time, and there are lots of ASMR channels out there these days, so getting noticed as a new channel is an uphill battle. But even a few dozen views on a video means that you’ve touched the lives of a few dozen people, and that’s a very rewarding feeling. Try to visualize those people as an audience in front of you, and you’ll realize that it’s actually quite a few!”

Advice & Tips from WhispersRed:

“Actually I recently made a blog post to offer my advice to those starting in ASMR. We all have our own way that works but I felt compelled to note a few things from my experience. It’s a question I am asked many times.

1 thing to do? Slow down and be quiet.

1 thing not to do? Don’t keep looking at the display screen on your camera. I know this may sound a little strange but I see so many people constantly looking at themselves to the side or above the lense. It makes me feel as though they are making the video to themselves and not to the viewer.”

I’d say that marketing yourself isn’t the main priority, the content is. When I first started watching videos, marketing your content wasn’t even a thing. It became more prevalent as ASMR became more popular. I think it’s a great idea as it improves the professionalism of what we do and gives us more chance to be taken seriously.

I would say though that making good content is the key because it doesn’t matter how much promotion you do, if you haven’t put your heart and soul into the video it shows.

I love to have social media, it means I can interact with my friends who watch the videos but I have always felt funny about key-wording and thumbnails. I place key words in the titles and specially make thumbnails because I want to be professional and I feel like I would be doing the ASMR community an injustice if I went about my channel half-heartedly.”

Advice & Tips from SoftlyGaloshes:

“I actually have an article I wrote on ASMRYouReady about this very topic!”

Advice & Tips from massageASMR:

“Do not try, just do.

Get a decent microphone like a Blue Yeti to start with. Video quality isn’t import, audio quality isn’t even important to be honest. But if you intend to record a video to help people experience ASMR it is best to get a decent microphone so your audio quality is acceptable.

Try to find your own way of doing things – I know it’s hard when so many things have been done before.

And do a cranial nerve exam!”

Advice & Tips from Dana ASMR:

“I think it’s important to be relaxed and comfortable yourself when you make video because even a subtle movement and show of feeling can affect the whole video.”

Advice & Tips from Paris ASMR:

“Try to make something that suits to you. Find your own way to give tingles, be yourself and spread love.”

Advice & Tips from WhisperSparkles:

“I would encourage them to do whatever they like. As I said before, I often seek out new ASMRtists as they possess a very natural quality to their videos because they are amateur and therefore very close to real life asmr experiences.”

***  Want More Tips?  ***

If you are looking for more tips, then feel free to read this summary about the book, “Brain Tingles” – a How-To guide for stimulating ASMR for families, friends, partners, spas, health studios, counselors, therapists, researchers, clinicians, and ASMR video creators or ASMR podcast creators.

13 thoughts on “Art of ASMR – Tips for Artists

  1. Pingback: Interview with ASMR Muzz, a video artist delivering Scottish tingles | ASMR University

  2. Pingback: Interview with Ms Candy Blog ASMR, an ASMR artist combining tingles and treats | ASMR University

  3. Pingback: Interview with the YouTube ASMR artist, Holly ASMR | ASMR University

  4. Pingback: 10 Tips for new ASMR artists from Deni ASMRCz | ASMR University

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