Art of ASMR – Description & Examples

What is ASMR art?

ASMR art is any creation, product, or performance intended to stimulate ASMR, to represent ASMR, or is inspired by ASMR.  ASMR art may be created by anyone or by a self-described ‘ASMR artist’.

ASMR artists (AKA ASMRtists) and ASMR art cover many diverse fields, platforms, methods, and mediums of artistic expression.

The most common and popular ASMR artists are ASMR video artists on YouTube.  See a list of featured ASMR video artists on YouTube HERE.

ASMR podcasts are also a popular form of ASMR content, see some examples HERE.

A diverse list of ASMR-inspired art and productions

Click on each example for more information.

Create your own ASMR-inspired art or production

To create your own ASMR art just focus on what interests or inspires you about ASMR and express it through some medium like your voice, your movements, your paintings, your writings, your sculptures, your music, etc.

Each ASMR artist has their own style and craft.  Express your interest in ASMR through whatever style and craft is best for you.

Click HERE to read tips from Dr. Richard and several ASMR artists about creating ASMR-inspired productions.

Have you created or know about some ASMR-inspired art or production not mentioned on this page?

Send Dr. Richard an email via

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